What is a Double Double in Basketball?

What is a Double Double in Basketball?

In basketball, “What is a Double Double in Basketball?” is a common yet significant achievement many players aim to achieve during games. This term might sound unfamiliar if you’re new to the sport, but it’s an important statistic that reflects a player’s versatility on the court. In this article, we’ll break down what a double-double is, how players achieve it, and why it matters in the game.

What is Double Double?

A double double occurs when a player reaches double digits in two of five statistical categories: points, rebounds, assists, steals, or blocks. Most often, the most common combination is points and rebounds, but other combinations are possible depending on the player’s role and skills.

This accomplishment is highly valued because it showcases a player’s all-around contribution to the game. Scoring a double-double requires not only offensive power but also defensive skill or playmaking ability.

Why is a Double Double Important in Basketball?

Achieving a double-double in basketball shows a player’s diverse skill set. Players who frequently score double-doubles are key contributors to their teams’ success. These athletes can impact the game in multiple ways, making them invaluable to their coaches and teammates.

For example, a player who consistently records double digits in rebounds and points can both score and defend, helping to control the game’s pace. The double-double stat is often a benchmark for evaluating a player’s performance.

How Do Players Achieve a Double-Double?

A player must excel in two of the five key statistical categories to score a double-double in basketball. Here’s a breakdown of how players typically reach this milestone:

Points and Rebounds

Most players earn double-doubles by scoring at least 10 points and grabbing 10 rebounds. This is particularly common among power forwards and centers, positioned close to the basket, making it easier to collect rebounds while contributing to scoring.

Assists and Steals

Playmakers, such as point guards, often achieve double digits in assists, distributing the ball effectively to set up their teammates for scores. While less common, some players also accumulate steals, showcasing their defensive prowess.

Blocks and Assists

Defensive specialists may reach double digits in blocks, but it’s rare to see a double-double involving blocks and assists. However, it can happen when a player is strong defensively and effectively set up scoring opportunities.

Famous Players Known for Double Doubles

Certain basketball players have built their careers around consistently recording double-doubles. Here are a few famous examples:

Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan, one of the best power forwards in NBA history, regularly posted double-doubles throughout his career. Known for his rebounding and scoring, Duncan was a consistent threat on both court ends.

Russell Westbrook

Russell Westbrook, a point guard known for his relentless energy, is famous for recording triple-doubles but also excels in double-doubles. His ability to score and assist makes him one of the most versatile players.

Wilt Chamberlain

Wilt Chamberlain holds numerous NBA records, and one of his most impressive feats is his ability to achieve double-doubles consistently. He was known for his dominance in both scoring and rebounding.

The Role of the Double Double in Team Success

A player’s ability to consistently post double-doubles can significantly impact their team’s success. This achievement often leads to victories since it indicates that the player is contributing in multiple areas of the game. Whether rebounding, scoring, or setting up plays, a double-double player adds depth to the team’s overall strategy.

Teams with multiple players who can achieve double-doubles are often more balanced and better equipped to handle tough opponents. It’s not just about having high scorers; it’s about having players who can do a bit of everything.

What Does a Double Double Say About a Player’s Skill?

When a player consistently achieves a double-double, it demonstrates their well-rounded abilities on the court. They can handle offensive and defensive responsibilities, making them a more complete player. Seeing a player earn double-doubles is a sign of reliability and consistency for fans.

Different Positions and the Double Double

While centers and power forwards are the most common positions for recording double-doubles due to their proximity to the basket, other positions can achieve them too. Guards who excel in assists or steals, for example, might also frequently record this statistic.

Are Double Doubles More Common in the NBA or College Basketball?

Although double-doubles occur in both the NBA and college basketball, they are more common in the NBA. More minutes played in professional games give athletes more opportunities to accumulate stats. In contrast, the shorter college game length makes achieving a double-double slightly more difficult.

Double Double in Women’s Basketball

It’s important to note that double-doubles aren’t limited to men’s basketball. Women’s basketball also features plenty of players who regularly achieve this feat. Players in the WNBA, for example, often post impressive double-doubles due to their versatility and talent.

The Difference Between a Double Double and a Triple Double

A double-double means reaching double digits in two categories, while a triple-double means achieving double digits in three categories. Triple-doubles are much rarer and even more impressive because of the difficulty in excelling in three statistical areas within one game.

While double-doubles are common among centers and forwards, triple-doubles are often recorded by guards who can score, assist, and rebound effectively.

Why Consistency in Double Doubles Matters

Consistency is key to achieving double-doubles. Players who can regularly post these stats are not only contributing at the moment but are also reliable assets throughout the season. Coaches often depend on these players to make big plays in crucial games.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Chasing a Double Double

Some players may become too focused on achieving a double-double, which can negatively affect their overall performance. Here are a few things to avoid:

Stat Padding

Some players may prioritize their stats over the team’s needs, leading to selfish play. Coaches value team-oriented efforts more than individual statistics.

Forcing Plays

Forcing shots or passes in an attempt to reach double digits in a specific category can hurt the team’s rhythm. Players should focus on the game’s flow instead of fixating on stats.

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Achieving a double-double in basketball is a remarkable accomplishment that highlights a player’s versatility and impact on the game. Whether scoring, rebounding, or playmaking, a double-double signifies a player’s ability to contribute in multiple areas. This statistic is widely respected in both men’s and women’s basketball, showing just how important it is for team success.


1. What is a double-double in basketball?
A double-double occurs when players record 10 or more in two statistical categories, typically points and rebounds.

2. Can a point guard get a double-double?
Yes, point guards can achieve a double-double, often through points and assists.

3. Who holds the record for the most double-doubles?
Wilt Chamberlain holds the NBA record for the most double-doubles in a career.

4. Is a double-double more common in the NBA than college basketball?
Yes, double-doubles are more common in the NBA due to longer game times.

5. Can a player get a double-double with steals and blocks?
While rare, a player can record a double-double with steals and blocks.

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